Monday, 14 March 2011

Aeon Sounds Video!

Check out myself and the rest of the aeon sounds crew in this video. Was a massive night, if you missed it then sucks to be you!

A E O N S O U N D S - Peckham - 05.02.11 from aeonsounds on Vimeo.

Add Aeon Sounds on facebook if you're interested in hearing about future event information.


  1. Video worked fine for me... had never even heard of Aeonsounds before, good mix in this vid!

  2. uhm, you guys apparently draw the hottest chicks. much respect. ;)

  3. @Sub-Radar-Mike Yeah got that embeding sorted out in the end. Vimeo videos don't load for some reason on my computer so it was a nightmare getting the embedding code!

    @Nowaysj You know it, our crowd is something special ;)
